ARC Educational Series Book Club

"It Could Happen Here" by Johnathan Greenblatt
Top left: smhs logo; middle: The ARC Educational Series Book Club; top right: ARC logo



Jalina Booker

It Could Happen Here" by Johnathan Greenblatt is a thought-provoking exploration of the latent societal dangers that could lead to the escalation of racism. Greenblatt deftly intertwines historical insights, cultural analysis, and hypothetical scenarios, offering readers a compelling, urgent, and relevant narrative. The book challenges assumptions about societal stability, encouraging readers to reflect on their roles in preventing racism and fostering inclusivity. With its engaging storytelling and incisive analysis, "It Could Happen Here" serves as a powerful catalyst for discussions about systemic racism. Join the ARC Educational Series Book Club as we delve into this impactful work, aiming to create a space for meaningful dialogue and collective reflection on how we can actively contribute to building a more equitable and anti-racist community.

Left: book cover for it could happen here; right: Spring 2024 book club with session dates of 1/23, 1/24, 2/20, 2/21, 3/19, and 3/20